Sunday 28 January 2007

Phrasal Verbs: Get

get * across + cause to be understood It's difficult to get humor across in another language.
get ahead make progress I can't get ahead even though I work two jobs.
get ahead of + surpass You need to work overtime in order to get ahead of schedule.
get along have a good relationship Do you and your sister get along?
get along with + have a good relationship Giovanna doesn't get along with her two brothers.
get around + avoid someone or something Some people get around paying taxes by hiring a good accountant.
get around go many places It's easy to get around town with public transportation.
get away escape The bank robbers got away.
get away with + do something against the rules or illegal and not get caught or punished My sister gets away with everything!
get by survive without having the things you need or want I lost my job, so I am having a hard time getting by this year.
get by on + survive with minimal resources It's nearly impossible to get by on making minimum wage.
get by with + manage with You don't need a computer. You can get by with the typewriter.
get down to + get serious about a topic Enough small talk. Let's get down to business.
get in + enter ( a car, a small boat) Get in the front seat. You will have more leg room.
get in enter Get in. I will give you a ride to school
get * off + send (a package) I finally got my sister's birthday present off yesterday.
get * off remove ( a spider from your shirt) Can you get this spider off my shirt?
get off + leave (a bus, plane, train, boat) We need to get off the bus at the next stop.
get off leave It's dangerous to sit on the roof. Get off!
get off idiomatic phrase - How does he justify saying that?! Where does he get off saying that?!
get * on put on (clothes) You should get your jacket on because it's going to be cold.
get on enter (a bus, train), mount (a horse, a bike) The train is leaving. Quick, get on!
get on + enter (a bus, train), mount ( a horse, a bike) Get on my bike and I will give you a ride home.
get on have a good relationship Natasha doesn't get on with her co-workers.
get on with + have a good relationship Do you get on with your neighbors?
get on with + continue an activity Now that the police have left, let's get on with the party!
get out of + exit (a small boat, car, an enclosed area) I fell into the water when I tried to get out of the canoe.
get over + recover (a cold, a disease, an ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend) Jennifer still hasn't gotten over her breakup with Peter.
get through + complete We will never get through all of these boxes by 9:00 PM.
get through + penetrate We need a stronger drill to get through this wall.
get through penetrate The door was jammed, so we couldn't get through.
get through (with) + finish Have you gotten through with your homework yet?
get through to + make contact It's hard to get through to Janet because her telephone line is always busy.
get * up cause someone to rise (from a sitting position or a lying position) Ahmed got Abdul up at 5:30 in the morning by turning the music up really loud.
get up rise (from sitting position or a bed) What time did you get up this morning?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, what exactly does "Get right with me" mean? See here: