Have you ever wondered where the celebration of the Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Christ got its unusual name and odd symbols of coloured eggs and rabbits?
The answer lies in the fact that the Christian church retainedPagan practices. After discovering that people were more reluctant to give up their holidays and festivals than their gods, they simply included Pagan practices into Christian festivals. Clever clerics copied Pagan practices and therefore made Christianity more appealing to pagans, who were reluctant to give up their festivals for Christian practices.
In second century Europe, the main spring festival was a Saxon fertility celebration in honour of the Saxon Goddess Eastre (Ostara), whose sacred animal was a hare.
The coloured eggs associated with the bunny are of another, even more ancient origin. The eggs associated with this and other festivals have been symbols of rebirth and fertility for so long the precise roots of the tradition are unknown, and may date to the beginning of human civilization. Ancient Romans and Greeks used eggs as symbols of fertility, rebirth, and abundance- eggs were solar symbols, and figured in the festivals of numerous resurrected gods.
Pagan fertility festivals at the time of the Spring equinox were common- it was believed that at this time, when day and night were of equal length, male and female energies were also in balance. The hare is often associated with moon goddesses; the egg and the hare together represent the god and the goddess, respectively.
Moving forward fifteen hundred years, we find ourselves in Germany, where children await the arrival of Oschter Haws, a rabbit who will lay coloured eggs in nests to the delight of children who discover them Easter morning. It was this German tradition that popularised the 'Easter bunny' in America, when introduced into the American cultural fabric by German settlers in Pennsylvania.
Many modern practitioners of Neo-pagan and earth-based religions have embraced these symbols as part of their religious practice, identifying with the life-affirming aspects of the spring holiday. (The Neopagan holiday of Ostara is descended from the Saxon festival.)
Some Christian groups have tried to get rid of these symbols within the Easter holiday, and many churches have recently abandoned the Pagan name of Easter for more Christian oriented titles like 'Resurrection Sunday.'
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