Friday 11 September 2009

Phrase of the Day 188: 'The hair of the dog'

"The hair of the dog"

definition: A small measure of drink, intended to cure a hangover.

origin: The fuller version of this phrase, i.e. 'the hair of the dog that bit me', gives a clue to the source of the name of this supposed hangover cure. That derivation is from the mediaeval belief that, when someone was bitten by a rabid dog, a cure could be made by applying the same dog's hair to the infected wound.


Student Publishing said...

That derivation is from the mediaeval belief that, when someone was bitten by a rabid dog, a cure could be made by applying the same dog's hair to the infected wound.

lokibjensen said...

My dog bit my old secretary on her leg. She asked me for some of his hair because her accupunturist wanted her to make a tea out of it. I told her I'd give her the hair on the condition that she didn't make a doggy voodoo doll out of it.

Anonymous said...

Great blog post! It's always interesting to learn about the origins of phrases like "the hair of the dog." However, it's important to remember that using alcohol to cure a hangover can be dangerous. If you're struggling with alcohol use, talk to a doctor online free now to get the help you need.

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Liana Goldsmith said...

The Hair of the Dog" is an intriguing concept that has fascinated many. This term, often associated with curing hangovers, refers to consuming alcohol to alleviate symptoms. While it may provide temporary relief, it's essential to approach this remedy with caution. UK Writings, your expertise would greatly contribute to shedding light on the science behind this practice and its potential risks. Looking forward to reading your insightful analysis!